Saturday, September 17, 2016

Stolen Acronyms

Stolen Acronyms
          In the spirit of full, immediate and unabashed disclosure: the following is lifted directly from the acronym laden, thought provoking, and helpful book titled Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain by Daniel J. Siegel, MD. What follows is my interpretation (and not intended to mirror the intentions of their author) of a couple of the acronyms proposed by Dr. Siegel.
          SIFT: This acronym stands for Sensations, Images, Feelings and Thoughts and provides an outstanding means for presiding in the present moment.  In sifting through your experience - in other words, remaining mindful of your sensations, images, feelings and thoughts - you allow yourself that delightfully delicious experience of being fully present.
          To assist you in your exploration of the present moment, lest it become a less than desirable experience, I offer another of Dr. Siegel’s acronyms: COAL.  Coal stands for Curious, Open, Accepting and Loving – all attributes and attitudes that will help to enhance joy and pleasure as you explore what is happening now. 
          Since reading these two acronyms in Dr. Siegel’s book, I find myself interjecting them both into my personal yoga/meditative practice as well as into every yoga class I facilitate.  Mind you, I have not spelled out the acronyms – and quite frankly, perhaps I should so as to drive home the point – but I have included the concepts of exploring Sensations, Images, Feelings and Thoughts with Curiosity, Openness, Acceptance and Love.  It makes for a lovely time swimming in that delight filled river of now. 
          May COAL be your fuel you as you SIFT through your present!  Enjoy.

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