Monday, October 23, 2017

Book Review:
Carson, Kimberly and Carol Krucoff. Relax into Yoga for Seniors.  Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc., 2016.

Without reservation, I can recommend this book and not just for seniors looking to incorporate yoga into their wellness regimen.  I would also recommend it as imperative reading for yoga teachers regardless of whether or not you plan on working with seniors.  You see, the information in this book readily applies to yoga practitioners of any age.  The book offers a common sense and thoroughly researched approach to the implementation of yoga as a sensible self-care measure.  Specifically, the chapter on “Yoga for the Perfectly Imperfect Body,” provides clear guidelines and precautions for how yoga can be helpful with medical conditions such as osteoporosis, heart and circulatory issues, arthritis, joint replacements, lung disease, chronic pain and cancer – the type of information everyone who practices and teaches yoga needs to know.

The book also provides specific and gentle yoga postures, exercises and techniques with suggestions for how to formulate them into a regular yoga practice.  Every bit as professional, timely and essential as their yoga teacher training workshops, Kimberly Carson and Carol Krucoff have gifted us with a must have book for yoga practitioners of any age.


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